10 Questions that Will Ensure You Choose the Best Cosmetic Surgeon


Are you considering plastic surgery?  If it’s a serious consideration then no doubt you have already started looking into the best plastic surgeons in your area or those who perform the type of procedure you are interested in.

Some people find their plastic surgeon by conducting thorough online research, whilst others are recommended a name by friends of family members.  Whichever method you may follow to find a suitable plastic surgeon it is essential that you ask the right questions.  Get the most from your consultation with these top 10 questions you can ask your cosmetic surgeon.

1.  Is your surgeon board certified? 

Did you know that in order to practice plastic surgery a doctor needs to be authorised by an officially recognised body?   If your surgeon is recognised by BAAPS, BACS or BAPRAS, they are accredited to perform cosmetic surgery procedures in the UK.

2.  Is the plastic surgeon experienced in the procedure you are interested in?

Whether you are considering a tummy tuck, eyelid lift, breast augmentation or a full facelift, it is essential that you choose a plastic surgeon experienced in that particular surgery.  Surgeons performing your desired procedure several times a week are much more likely to have refined their skills and perfected that method of surgery.  Doctors specializing in a particular technique are also more likely to research new methods and be at the top of their game.

3.  Are you a good candidate for the procedure and surgery in general?

This is the sign of a good cosmetic surgeon.  Whilst some, shall we say, less professional cosmetic surgeons are happy to perform their surgeries on just about anyone, the good ones will be much more diligent.  A professional surgeon will discuss with you factors such as:

  • Your current health and medical history.  Many cosmetic surgery procedures are carried out under general anaesthetic so you must be in good shape.
  • Your personal image goals and what you expect from your plastic surgery.  If your goals are unrealistic, your surgeon will suggest viable alternatives.
  • Are you planning to have children in the near future?  If the answer is yes, your surgeon may suggest postponing breast augmentation or a tummy tuck until a later date.

4.  Will the procedure achieve the desired results?

You may have read or heard about a particular procedure and thought that it is perfect for your needs.  However, an experienced surgeon is the best judge of what is suitable.  If they think that there is another procedure that would achieve better results they will discuss this with you and make sure you are aware of all options available to you.

5.  Always ask to see before and after photographs. Are these available for you to see?

A reputable plastic surgeon will have their work portfolio ready and waiting for anybody who wants to see what results can be achieved with particular surgeries.  Ask to see before and after photos, testimonials and success stories before you agree to go ahead with any surgery.  This is the best way to see the effects that can be achieved.

6. Where will the procedure be carried out?

This is a very important question to ask.  After all, you need to be sure you will have the best care and access to the best medical equipment throughout your procedure.  If you will be an inpatient (required to stay in hospital), ask your cosmetic surgeon if they have admitting privileges at an accredited medical facility in your area.  Procedures carried out on an outpatient basis should also be carried out in an accredited surgical facility.

7.  What are the risks associated with your proposed surgery?

Before going ahead with any type of surgery, cosmetic or otherwise, you need to be made aware of the risks involved and any potential complications that could arise.  The more information you have the better you will be able to make a sensible and informed decision.

8.  Will medical insurance pay for your plastic surgery?

In the majority of cases, medical insurance will not cover cosmetic surgery procedures.  However, most insurance does cover reconstructive surgeries that are required to correct any body structures of abnormal appearance or function.  Each case will be assessed on an individual basis and your cosmetic surgeon or consultant will be able to advise you further.

9.  What is the recovery period and where will you be recovering?

Most cosmetic surgery procedures require a certain amount of recovery time.  Your cosmetic surgeon will be able to advise you on recuperation times, where you will need to recover and which activities you should avoid during your recovery period.  The more information you have, the better you will be able to arrange your work and social schedules.

10.  What happens if something goes wrong or you are not happy with the results?

Cosmetic surgery is an exact science in itself, but each body is different.  Things can and do go wrong during procedures or following procedures, but when you choose a good cosmetic surgeon you can rest assured they will do everything in their professional power to prevent problems from occurring.

Finding a reputable cosmetic surgeon is not difficult, but it is imperative that you ask the right questions.  By doing so you can be sure your treatment will be safe and effective.

This article was written by the North West Independent Hospital. Read more

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