How Anthrax can be transmitted?


Humans can get infected with anthrax germs via skin (cutaneous anthrax), intestine (Gastrointestinal anthrax) and lungs (inhalation or pulmonary anthrax). Depending on the entry of B. anthracis (the causative bacteria) the clinical symptoms can be distinct from each other. Usually a person suffering from anthrax is quarantined, although the disease is generally not spread from an infected person to another non infected person. If a person dies of anthrax it becomes a potential source of infection.

Spread of anthrax by skin contact:

The spread of anthrax bacilli via skin is mostly by cuts or wound in the skin. Cutaneous anthrax is most common among individuals handling infected animals and/or animal products, e.g. butchers. Drums made of animal hide can also cause cutaneous anthrax. Laborers handling hide of infected animals can get cutaneous anthrax. This form of anthrax is rarely fatal, as the manifestations are generally limited to skin. But in untreated cases approximately 20% may involve vital organs and lead to death.

Categories: Diseases   Tags: Gastrointestinal anthrax,Pulmonary anthrax

Know Anthrax

Anthrax is an acute illness (disease) caused by bacteria Bacillus anthracis. Anthrax affects animals as well as humans and it is zoonotic disease (transmitted from animals to human under natural condition). Examples of other zoonotic diseases are rabies, plague, brucellosis, endemic typhus, bovine tuberculosis, salmonellosis, Kayasanur Forest disease, Lassa fever, monkey pox etc. Anthrax has gained attention of the world due to high risk (with some incidences of attacks using anthrax germs) of use of anthrax spores in biological weapons, especially by terrorists. Anthrax is one of the most suitable organisms for producing biological or germ weapon.

Anthrax is lethal to humans as well as to animals, but generally responds well to appropriate antibiotics for treatment. Like other bacillus, B. anthracis can form endospores (commonly known as â€Å“spores”) which can remain dormant and can survive harsh environmental condition for decades and even centuries and become active again when the environmental conditions become favorable for growth of the bacteria. The spores can be found in Antarctica. If these spores are inhaled, they germinate and grow rapidly and these spores are used for producing biological weapons.

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Complications of Common Cold in Babies

Although common cold causes very few, if ever, complications in adults and old people, but in babies and young children common cold may cause some complications. In fact complication is not uncommon among babies suffering from common cold. Complications that may arise due to common cold in children include acute middle ear infection (known as otitis media), sinusitis and secondary infection.

Otitis media:

This is a common complication of common cold among children. Otitis media is acute infection of ear (middle ear). It is estimated that approximately 5-15% of children with common cold may develop acute ear infection, some of which may be serious if not identified and treated promptly. If a child suffers from common cold, virus or bacteria may be able to reach the space behind ear drum (tympanic membrane) otitis media. The most common rote of entry of microorganisms (bacteria) to middle ear is via Eustachian tube. Once otitis media develop systemic antibiotic therapy is required to treat the infection.

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Common Cold in Babies

common cold in babies are runny nose and nasal congestion or nose block. Other common cold symptoms seen in adults may be absent in babies. Babies and young children are more susceptible to develop common cold because they are always with older children and adults who may not always wash hands and keep the clean. In fact by the time a baby celebrate his/her first birthday; he/she may have 5-10 colds. Babies and young children have less time to develop immunity against common viruses that cause common cold and their immune system also immature. Due to immature immune system, low level of immunity against most common cold causing viruses and close proximity to older children and adults (some of whom may be suffering from common cold), babies and young children are more prone to suffer from common cold.

Symptoms of common cold in babies may be little different from the symptoms of common cold of adults. The difference of symptoms may be due to immature immune system among babies and due to low past exposure to common cold causing viruses. As mentioned earlier in this post, the most common symptoms of common cold among babies are runny nose and nasal congestion. Other symptom that may develop in a baby suffering from common cold includes:

Categories: Diseases   Tags: Common cold in babies

What to Discuss With Your Doctor for Common Cold

If you or your child or any member of your family gets infected with common cold, you may decide to consult your doctor/pediatrician/family doctor. As most doctors are busy and appointment with your doctor may be brief, it is wise to know and learn the topics you need to discuss with your doctor, regarding common cold anyone of your family member may be suffering. Prepare for your appointment with your doctor and know what questions to ask your doctor and what to expect from your doctor.

You should be prepared for appointment before seeing your doctor. Write down the symptoms you or your child or any member of your family may have and for how long you may have the symptoms. Write down if there is any medical information or any medication being received for other medical ailment, about the patient of common cold worth mentioning to your doctor. Mention any recent exposure to people with similar symptoms. Finally write down what questions you might ask your doctor during appointment. You should also ask you doctor about the ways to prevent common cold.

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Prevention of Common Cold

Common cold can not be fully prevented. Vaccine as a preventive method for common cold is impractical, due to large number of viruses (estimated to be more than hundred different viruses causing common cold) which can cause common cold. If one viral infection is prevented by use of vaccine another type of virus will infect and cause common cold.

There is also no effective medicine (antiviral antibiotic) available for treatment and prophylaxis of common cold. Due to absence of effective antiviral antibiotic, chemoprophylaxis is also not useful.

In absence of effective vaccine and effective antiviral antibiotic for chemoprophylaxis, the prevention of common cold infection is based of improvement of general and personal hygiene and adaptation of healthy habits and incorporation healthy habits into one̢۪s lifestyle. Simple improvement of personal hygiene level can be very useful in reducing common cold infections, as it is not possible to completely prevent common cold infection.

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Global impact of Common Cold

Common cold is a very common health problem around the world and nobody is immune to common cold. Old and young, all are affected by common cold, although the severity and frequency of common cold infection may be different among different age group individuals. Younger age groups of individuals are more prone to get infected by common cold causing virus in compare to older individuals. As individuals age, they become immune to common viruses which cause common cold.

The economic impact of common cold is huge. Although the disease is not serious, it can reduce work capacity in the sufferer for approximately a week during every attacks of common cold. Given the fact that, most individuals (healthy as well as unhealthy individuals suffer from common cold) suffer a few attacks of common cold every year the economic burden for individuals and the world is enormous. The work capacity reduces due to common cold and there is also expense for treatment of common cold, both of which takes a huge toll in the finance of individuals as well as to the State.

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Psychiatric Symptoms of Alcoholism

Alcoholism is associated with several psychiatric symptoms, ranging from mild and temporary psychiatric symptoms to serious long term psychiatric symptoms. Mild and temporary psychiatric symptoms such as drunkenness are very common with alcohol consumption. Some alcoholics develop symptoms with drinking of lesser quantity of alcohol whereas some need larger quantity of alcohol consumption.

Alcohol abuse is associated with psychiatric problems and one in four (25%) of alcoholics have severe psychiatric disturbances (the numbers of alcoholics with minor psychiatric disturbance is much more common). Long term alcohol abuse may lead to several psychiatric problems such as dementia (loss of memory), depression, anxiety, psychosis, panic disorder, schizophrenia and many more psychiatric problems. Long term alcohol abuse is one of the leading causes of psychiatric disorders. Anxiety and depression are the most common psychiatric disorders seen among alcoholics, especially long term abusers.

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Treatment of Common Cold

Treatment/management of common cold is mainly symptomatic. Symptomatic treatment of common cold can help alleviate symptoms and reduce suffering from the illness. The most common cause of common cold is infection by common cold causing viruses, such as rhinovirus. Currently there is no anti-viral antibiotic available which is helpful in treatment of common cold. Due to lack of effective anti-viral antibiotic the treatment of common cold is based on symptomatic approach. As different individual may show different symptoms of common cold, the treatment also vary to a great extend (as treatment is based on symptoms).

The common medications and supplements used for treatment of common cold are anti-inflammatory pain relievers, nasal decongestants (nasal congestion is a common symptom of common cold), supplements such as vitamin-C, zinc etc.

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Some Natural Remedies for Gas and Bloating

Gas in the intestines and stomach is a common health problem (common in developed countries as well as in developing world), which may be cause of suffering for most individuals. Presence of gas and bloating may be irritating and embarrassing at times. Gas and bloating are common health problems and are mostly due to poor dietary habits, improper digestion and unhealthy lifestyle (lack of physical exercise) are responsible in majority of cases.

There are natural ways to prevent gas and bloating to large extent and we all can practice these natural ways and make them as part of habit in our lifestyle (incorporate them). One most important way is to avoid known foods which cause gas and bloating, such as spicy foods, processed foods, refined sugar, fried foods etc. We should also avoid foods which are highly suspected to produce gas and bloating such as beans, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, onions, apples, corn, oats, potatoes, most dairy products, pears, peaches etc. Read more

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