Cheap Auto Insurance Buffalo - Cheap Car Insurance Buffalo NY Instant Quotes Online


If you are in the market for lower insurance rates for your automobiles in the Buffalo NY area, we have got GREAT news for you!

You can now find cheap auto insurance in Buffalo quickly and easily. Just enter your zip code in the form to receive quotes from various companies that could help you save up to hundreds of dollars a year.

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       *INSURANCE 101 *

Let's run through a quick course on auto insurance. This should help you learn a few facts that will assist you in choosing the auto insurance policy that will work best for you.

First of all, if the owner of a vehicle in Buffalo NY wants to be able to legally drive that vehicle on the roads in NY, the owner will have to register the car and get license plates. To do that, the owner will either have to purchase automobile liability insurance or provide proof of financial responsibility in amounts that equal the minimum insurance amounts required by the state.

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1 -  Required Coverages

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) - is also called "No-Fault" coverage. This is personal injury coverage. It does not cover automobile repairs or property damage. PIP (no-fault) pays first, before your health insurance does, if the injury is due to an automobile accident. PIP will also cover lost wages and certain other necessary expenses.

Liability Coverage -

pays another person for bodily damages or property damages if you (or someone you authorize to use your car) cause in an auto accident. In New York the minimum coverage required by law is:

(1) $25,000 for bodily injury (which does not result in death), or $50,000 for injury which results in death, to any one person in any one accident.

(2) $50,000 for bodily injury (which does not result in death) suffered by two or more people in any one accident, or $100,000 for injuries which result in death suffered by two or more people in any one accident. (Amounts are limited to per person limits above.)

(3) The minimum amount of liability coverage you may legally carry to pay for damage to another person's vehicle or property is $10,000.

Uninsured Motorists -

If you are injured in a hit-and-run accident or an auto accident caused by an uninsured driver, your uninsured motorist coverage will pay for your injuries.

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2 -  Safety Measures

While it may seem like common knowledge, it never hurts to be reminded of safety measures that can help keep your insurance costs down. Following these common sense rules can help prevent higher premiums in the future.

!1) Always stay attentive to what's going on around you. Check your rearview mirror and side mirrors often. This simple measure can alert you if you need to move over for an emergency vehicle, or if someone is driving erratically.

(2) Always signal before changing lanes or turning.

(3) Use a hands-free device for cell phones. Using a cell phone while driving (whether texting or dialing, etc,) contributes to a large percentage of accidents. It is considered inattentive driving and should be avoided.

(4) Always wear your seat belt, and insist that all of your passengers wear theirs, as well.

(5) Never drink and drive. You do not want to spend the rest of your life regretting an accident you cause through this sort of negligence.

(6) Obey the speed limit and all other traffic control devices, like traffic lights and construction signs.

Review Your Policy

It's a good idea to periodically look over your policy to see if there are any changes that need to be made. For example, have you changed your driving habits? Perhaps you changed jobs, and now you drive 5 miles to work instead of 25. That makes a big difference in the annual mileage you are putting on your car.

Has your 21-year-old son or daughter recently gotten married and moved from your home into their own apartment? Now they have their own insurance policy. Removing them from your policy should significantly lower your premium.

Also be sure to notify your agent/insurance company of any changes in address or phone numbers. Maybe you switched cell phone carriers and have a new number, or your office phone number changed.

If a divorce is taking place, you should make your agent aware of that. He/she will advise you of what steps need to take place with regard to the coverage on your vehicles.

Possible Discounts

You could save money if you qualify for one or more discounts that insurance companies offer. While this is not an exhaustive list, here are some for which you might qualify...

Anti theft devices - If your car has an alarm system, or if it is equipped with an electronic-tracking device, you most likely qualify for this discount. Also, if the VIN number of your auto is etched on the glass, a discount is likely available.

Accident prevention course - certain courses given in a classroom or by internet will help reduce your premium. Your insurer should provide you with the names of the course sponsors, usually with your bill and/or your policy.

Restraint system - Automatic seat belts or air bags are required by federal law in all vehicles made in 1990 or sooner. Either of those devices qualify your vehicle for a discount in the premium.

Good driver - Drivers who have a clean driving record with no accidents or tickets for a designated time may get a discount by some insurance companies.

Once again, remember that this is not a complete list, by far. Some companies offer a Good Student Discount, or a discount for having anti-lock brakes, or a discount to retired persons who are not on the road as much as younger drivers. Ask what discounts may be available for you.

We trust that the information you've received on our website will help you determine how to make the best choice for your auto insurance coverage.

After you enter your zip code above, we will get the quotes so you can look them over and choose the policy that will benefit you most.



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